How many times have you written a sentence and looked at a word which really has no right to be there? I’m guilty, and when it comes to editing my books (as I'm doing at the moment with my two new ones) I am still amazed at the number of redundant words or bad words I strip out before I’m pleased with the resulting manuscript. We can easily avoid problems created by these words or phrases if we take more care. I’m not an English teacher so please bear with me, but I know what I like to read and I’ve comprised a list of my favourite no-no words. This is all a bit of fun by the way...I’m sure I still use most of them too many times but here goes:
- about
- am
- all
- a lot
- almost
- always
- as
- anxiously
- and
- appears
- basically
- believe
- due to (because)
- eagerly
- each & every
- every
- feel(s)
- finally
- firstly, secondly etc
- frequently
- got
- had
- however
- interesting
- is
- just
- kind of
- like
- lot, or lots
- looks
- merely
- move(d)
- nearly
- necessitate
- need
- never
- nice
- not
- often
- on account of (use because)
- only
- per
- previous
- plus
- quite
- rather
- really
- seems
- sigh
- so
- somewhat
- sort of
- suddenly
- that
- “the public”
- Then
- there
- totally
- try
- used to
- Utilise (use is better)
- Very
- Was
- Were
- Whatsoever
- Would
This past week has been simply fantastic, culminating in, ‘The Surgeon’s Blade’ being #3 in the UK’s Sunday Mail Weekend Live Magazine - just behind The Hunger Games! Fame at last!
Thank you for your superb support everyone and as a thank you ~- please make sure you download you free copy of The Assassins’ Village today! Thanks again and have a great break over the Easter Weekend.