In England, each year, the date for Mothering Sunday, (Mother's Day) is set by the Church, and is scheduled to fall on the fourth Sunday of Lent. This means that Mother's Day can be no earlier than 1st March, and no later than 4th April.
The History of Mother's Day.
In the UK, it is believed that the tradition of Mothering Sunday evolved from a 16th century religious practice of visiting your "mother church" (baptismal church) once a year. Most people would regularly attend their nearest parish, or "daughter church". It was considered vital that churchgoers made an annual visit to the main parish in their area, and this generally happened in the middle of Lent.
In time, it became customary for young people who were working as servants in large houses, to be given a holiday on Mothering Sunday. They could use this day to visit their own mother and often took a gift of picked flowers, food or hand-me-down clothing from their employers to her. In turn, this moved towards the modern holiday, on which people still visit and take gifts to their mothers.
So, from its religious roots, Mothering Sunday has now become a day of celebration, where mums are given flowers and other gifts from their offspring as an expression of thanks. During the Lent fast, people did not eat sweet, rich foods or meat. However, the fast was lifted slightly on Mothering Sunday and many people prepared a Simnel cake to eat with their family on this day.
A Simnel cake is a light fruit cake covered with a layer of marzipan and with a layer of marzipan baked into the middle of the cake. Traditionally, Simnel cakes are decorated with 11 or 12 balls of marzipan, representing the 11 disciples and, sometimes, Jesus Christ. One legend says that the cake was named after Lambert Simnel who worked in the kitchens of Henry VII of England sometime around the year 1500.
As writers, we thought we’d give our mothers something different this year…and a group of us have put our heads together and come up with some books (and other ideas) which we feel will appeal to our mums! They’re all different types of books as no two mothers have the same tastes. Please have a look down the list of selected novels…all for the cost of less than an expensive bouquet of flowers…we’re sure you’ll find something your mother will enjoy on her special day.

If your mother is into thrillers then you can't go wrong with Seb Kirby's Take No More.
When James Blake discovers his wife murdered in their London home, he is determined to find her killer. As the prime suspect, he flees England and sets out on a journey that takes him to Florence and Venice and into a dark underworld of corruption, a trail that will lead him to the killer - and the shocking truth behind the mystery.
Seb says: 'I've been an avid reader from an early age - my grandfather ran a mobile lending library in Birmingham and when it closed my parents inherited many of the books. From the first moment I was hooked. Now, as a full-time writer myself, it's my goal to add to the magic of the wonderful words and stories I discovered back then.'

If your mum loves novels about relationships and the older woman. then, Silver Rain by Jan Ruth is for her!
Kate, recently widowed and increasingly put upon by daughter, sister and mother, feels her life is over at fifty. Until she meets Alastair. He’s everything she isn’t, but he’s a troubled soul, a sad clown of a man with a shady past. Is Alastair Black her true soulmate, or should sleeping beauty lie?
Jan says: 'She lives in Snowdonia, North Wales, UK. The perfect setting for Jan's fiction, or just day-dreaming in the heather. Jan writes contemporary stories about people, with a good smattering of humour and drama, dogs and horses and has done so for over 30 years.

Perhaps your mother enjoys a good urban fantasy/paranormal romance at a great price?
Centuries ago, they nearly conquered humankind. But their Gate to our world closed, leaving them out. Now the elves have found a way back and Ella Benson, agent of the Paranormal Bureau, will stop at nothing to prevent the invasion.
Chrystalla says: She likes writing about bratty, angsty boys and spunky girls in fantasy and science-fiction worlds. She writes mainly for a young adult public but not only (heed the warnings!).

And if mother loves just pure romance...
We all know those three little words - je t'aime - but whoever said love was easy? Certainly not in Margaret’s case. You recognise the familiar scenario…girl meets boy…diamond ring on finger…fiancé caught cheating…Enter handsome Frenchman Jean-Paul. Clever, likeable, dark-eyed and oh so sexy, he pursues Margaret slowly but surely...but at what cost?
Faith says: Since childhood, she dreamt of writing novels which readers would love, & spent many hours writing short stories which she read to her sisters. Now to her delight, her readers are spread worldwide.

I bet your mother would love to take a trip down Memory Lane with the first three novels in the series about The Raiders chart-topping rock band and their lives and loves. Now available in a box-set at a very special price for Mother's Day.
Pam says: She was born in Cheshire, UK. She is a retired Interior Designer who loves creating stories, but only started writing seriously about twelve years ago. The idea for her first novel, set in the sixties, came from her time as a teenager, working in a local record store and hanging round with the musicians who frequented the business.

Even if your mother's read Fifty Shades this steamy tale will shake her up a bit!
Set in London, a raunchy romantic romp told through the eyes of four characters: Salacious Sadie needs a rich guy, currency trader Leo is virtually a virgin, and Sadie can’t wait to get her hands on his hidden assets. Sadie’s sweet sister, Eva, is beginning to fall for Leo’s mysterious mate, Dickie...a steamy tale of sex, drugs and saucy secrets.

Perhaps your mum is a science fiction, thriller fanatic?
Cassie O’Neil broke the law, she had sex before marriage. She is sentenced to die on the game show, The Ultimate Choice, but when a contestant collapses Cassie takes her chance and runs. Staying alive is hard with no ration card or place to hide. But she is a woman who refuses to die.
Lisa says: Her career has been varied, working as an architectural technician, a pet sitter, a pharmacy supervisor and most recently a carer/companion for elderly ladies, all the while writing when she can. Born in Portsmouth in 1971, Lisa grew up in England, Scotland, and America & now lives on the Wirral, in northwest England, with her husband, three children, four cats and a dog.

And maybe your mum loves reading to young children...
A short story suitable for reading at bedtime.
One of the 'Charlie Rabbit's Adventures' collection of stories and also available as part of 'Charlie Rabbit's Adventures-The Complete Collection'
Ian says:He enjoys writing children's fiction short stories, and young adult fantasy adventure novellas about fictional character 'Agent Tom Horton'. These stories, include a lot of factual information, including real places and locations, mixed with an undisclosed amount of fiction.

Does your mother enjoy romantic sagas?
Katy dreams of a better life than just being a domestic servant at Cheadle Manor. Her one attempt to escape is thwarted when her flirtation with the manor’s heir results in a scandal that shocks the local community. She finally breaks free from the stifling Edwardian hierarchies that bind her but the brutality of global war brings home the price she has paid for her search.
Alex says: Life has been full to date.
Now I have a window, a pause, in which to explore my first passion - writing.
I have a shed in the garden where I can be found bashing both brain and keyboard. I'm attempting to express those thoughts and ideas that have been cooking since I was seven and learned to read.
A very Happy Mothering Sunday or Mother's Day to mothers everywhere ~ may your day be filled with many wonderful surprises and gifts, we love you all.
And thank you reader for dropping by,