Good Day!
It’s about that time again when I really have to write a new blog post. And I’ve sat here and thought…and thought. What can I say that hasn’t all been said before?
I’ve interviewed some excellent authors, likewise reviewed some great and not so great books, and left posts about them that I hope are entertaining for my readers. Then again I covered all aspects of writing and the process of it, touched on some of my pet hates and dislikes about writing, and written – what I’ve thought - about some interesting topics (see blog posts): ‘Best time to be a writer – ever!’, ‘Blogging – What’s it all About?’, ‘Hurricane Ivan’, Managing my Expectations when Running up That Hill’, ‘Readers Beware! Your Favourite Author may not be what you think!’ are just a few of my favourites- and yours too judging by the mail I’ve received.
So what to write? Well I’ve read quite a few blog posts myself over the last few weeks and I’ve come to the conclusion that unless the blogger works really hard finding something fresh, a substantial number of bloggers are all covering the same topics, albeit maybe from a different angle. There are some truly good bloggers in the marketplace and some that are not…their blogs being purely for advertising their and others books or whatever they’re selling. Please don’t get me wrong. I too am guilty of getting excited when my novel, ‘so and so’ hits a new all-time high on Amazon, or I receive a fabulous new review or email from a real live fan! I’d love for you all to go out and buy THAT book! But I have to be sensible – and we all have choices.
And I’m finally coming to what I really want to say this week. Remember those that give their lives to wars no longer have a choice. November 11th is Armistice Day; a day which commemorates “The Glorious Dead”. Words which were chosen by that remarkable writer, Rudyard Kipling - thought-provoking, haunting and humbling words which make us remember the sacrifice of those who have laid down their lives so that we may have the freedoms which we enjoy today.
I simply say,
The Evil that men do lives after them; The Good is oft interred with their bones.
Touch memories where you will, without sacrifice there is always pain.
Thank you for reading my blog post
PS I’m in the process of changing the cover for ‘The Assassins’ Village’ – I do hope you like the new one as shown here.