Psychological Thriller Suspense...The Green Room...
Here it is!
I'm super excited as the 3rd novel in The Dark Minds Psychological Thriller Series is now published. The Green Room - like the two previous novels can be read as a standalone. If you enjoyed On Devil's Brae and Behind a Twisted Smile then you'll definitely love The Green Room. You can read the first few chapters on here...go to the Crime Books section at the top of this page and'll find The Green Room is the latest addition.
A short book description:
Ella, a thirty-five year old nurse, believes she has a good life: no money worries, a job she enjoys, a gorgeous apartment and an undemanding boyfriend…until one fateful evening when everything changes.
A young woman is found raped and strangled near Ella’s home. The latest victim in a serial killer’s rampage across Surrey.
Ella’s boyfriend Michael, a police constable on the team conducting the investigations of the crime, pleads with Ella to be vigilant at all times…the killer is bound to strike again.
When a handsome, enigmatic stranger rents the empty apartment above Ella, the brutal death toll rises…but against her better judgement, Ella doesn’t listen to her boyfriend’s warnings about strangers until it is far too late…
She is convinced that there must be a connection between the murdered women, and for some reason it is all linked to the Green Room…
If you're interested in obtaining a copy then you'll find the ebook (and paperback) on all good book sites at the special price of only 99c/99p for ebooks. This offer applies right through go on treat yourself or someone else!
I wish you all the very best of seasonal greetings.
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