Midnight Skye is the third book of Jan Ruth that I’ve read…and I was not disappointed. I’ve said before that Ms Ruth writes with passion and intelligence, and as before, this book has plenty of that.
Although primarily a romance, (Laura, Simon and James) it is far more than that. The novel crosses over into other genre, relationships within families, between couples, siblings and old love just for starters. We also see how one of the main characters (James, a horse whisperer) struggles to part with his past life, letting us into a world which is emotive and heart wrenching at times.
Ms Ruth covers many aspects of relationships, a family struggling with money, awful teenagers, a depressed unresponsive husband and a middle-aged woman (Maggie) who’s fighting to keep everything under control as well as her expanding waistline.
While we have three of four different threads to the story (all running at their own pace), we have the main theme concerning Laura and her own dilemmas. She’s in the middle of a crisis and is desperate for help…which comes from an unexpected quarter.
Midnight Sky gives us colourful characters, lots of depth and real life problems.
This book moves at a cracking pace - when it matters - and at the same time, slows down to lull us with lush descriptive prose about where it is set. The reader will feel the stunning and often wild Welsh countryside, ranging from balmy summer days on sweeping coastal beaches to austere conditions in a harsh winter amid the mountains.
Wonderful! A full 5 stars.
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