Making time - and good quality time is so important for a writer. Gone are the days when you could sit down and just write to your hearts' content. Nowadays, interspersed with the actual core of writing; be it novel or non fiction, there is now a whole welter of periphery activities. Even as a published author with a team of people 'marketing' your book, today the author has masses more to do if they are even to get a sniff at success. Time management with discipline is paramount. Minutes become hours become days that can so easily be frittered away; social networking, blogging, reviewing, twittering, emailing etc, etc and that is just the beginning. The day has to be structured around the most important task - getting the book edited properly!
So, tomorrow... a finer edit, with detail on research, characterisation and grammar. Some might groan at the thought but no! Embelishing the book makes it come more alive, and that is all part of what we're aiming for is it not?
Good reading to you all.