I want to let you know about a new collection of short stories. Lost Love Letters: An Indie Chicks Anthology.
This anthology is a compilation of beautiful love letters from many bestselling authors and I think you'll enjoy it. Each day in February, one of the letters will be released on each author's website and the Indie Chicks Website
Today is my turn - here is my letter...
To My Darling Daughter Catherine,
Before you were born I was searching for a name and I chose ‘Catherine’. I knew it would be perfect and it was. Your name means "pure" and that is exactly what you are, pure inside and out. From the moment I set eyes on you, your smile brought me overwhelming joy. I was amazed how your little girl sweetness melted my heart – it still does - and how your pureness lit up my world.
To me you are perfect as you are and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Never let the cruelness of this world harden you, instead embrace humankind with your pure and gentle heart. Always remembering that whatever life brings, it is my hope that you remember a few simple things:
First you must believe in yourself – or to thine own self be true – (Hamlet) and follow your dreams. Your dreams are for yourself and if you work on them they’ll come true.
Don’t ever forget to be yourself, laugh at life, cry when you’re saddened and above all love as it heals all pain.
Look after yourself; your health and your body. Sleep when your body tells you, eat and drink not to excess and love your body…it is perfect just as you are.
Listen to others; your friends and your enemies. They have a right to be heard, but do not be too quick to judge. Act as a true friend and learn to forgive. It is often hard to think before you speak, and to draw back, but thought gives you more respect. When you speak with a pure heart, making someone feel good is a true blessing.
Offer help and only give advice when asked. Too many people act before thinking of how their words will affect the outcome. Are you qualified to advise? Help the elderly, you’ll be one someday. Treasure a child and you’ll be rewarded.
Always question in your mind if you think something is not right. Lead if you believe you are right in your thinking and never give in to pressure if you know it is wrong.
Always keep your promises and never say you’ll do something, knowing you’ll never be able to fulfil that promise. If you break a trust it can be hard to rebuild a relationship.
See the world through open eyes. Treasure it, love it, revere it and please keep it for your children and your children’s’ children.
Although you are now a mother and have made me the proudest of all grandmothers, you’ll always be my baby. Teach your child what I have strived to pass on to you. Be strong, independent and love. But remember…whatever happens, you’ll never be alone…you will always have me, you will always be my baby and you’ll always have a home.
Your loving mother.
Thank you for dropping by, and I hope you enjoyed my entry in the anthology. If you're interested in obtaining a complete copy then please go to the links below:
Amazon.com Amazon.co.uk
This is one of the letters from the book, Lost Love Letters: An Indie Chicks Anthology available now from Amazon