Good Day!
I’m delighted to restart my very popular ‘featured writer’ on my blog. Over the course of the previous few months I’ve met and interviewed some truly amazing and talented people. Today’s guest is Alisha Paige whose writing is a great example of erotica. So without further ado…
Alisha Paige/Ruby Vines;
Thank you so much for having me, Faith! I'm a little jealous since you live in the UK. I really want to visit one day! I think that's why I write, so I can travel to faraway places. So far I've had my books set in the Colorado mountains, at the bottom of The Grand Canyon, in war-time Europe during WWII, Tuscany, Salem, London (three times), Africa, Montego Bay, Alaska, Palm Springs and even Hades.
As a child and a teen, books were a form of escape for me. I have three brothers so when we weren't playing tag-team wrestling, I grabbed a book, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and climbed in my tree in the front yard. Even my tree had a name. Evol, which sounds like Evil but is really Love spelled backwards. I had a wild imagination as a kid. I used to plant time capsules in my yard for other kids to find years later. Mostly it was just a shoebox with a Barbie doll, coins, diaries and anything else I figured a kid might be interested in seeing in say. Oh fifty years or so. My parents still live in that house even thirty years later so I'm sure the Barbie dolls are long gone by now. I also carved holes into Evol and placed coins inside so I wouldn't have to run indoors when the ice cream man came by. I was a goofy kid but my imagination fuelled my dreams.
My first book, Deadly R&R, was written 15 years ago, right after the birth of my first daughter but I shoved it in a drawer never to see the light of day. (That book was just released this year after extensive edits. Thank goodness for my editor, Cathy McElhaney! She is a Godsend! )
After college, I decided I wanted to write fiction more than I wanted to write freelance articles for newspapers and magazines so after the birth of my second daughter in 2004; I really went to work on my second book. After three years of writing and submitting, my first paranormal book, Canyon Wolf Bride was published by The Wild Rose Press in 2007. Soon after, my second book, The Wooden Nickel was released by Wings Press, a historical romance set during WWII and The Great Depression. More books followed at The Wild Rose Press and then New Concepts Publishing picked me up for three paranormal novels in their Brood Series. Nocturnally Vexed, my Jack-the-Ripper tale set in London was released in 2008 and then Voodoo Moon set in Montego Bay and Uncaged set in Africa and London were released shortly thereafter.
With so many changes in the publishing world, I decided to indie pub four novels this year. My first indie book was The Hour Glass Witch and then my bestseller, Circle City: Lord of the Wolfen ~ Book I, Deadly R&R (my first romantic thriller by my pen name, Ruby Vines) and Tusk (my first children's novel by my pen name, Wolfgang Pie.)
The indie ride has been a wild one and more fun than you can imagine. A lot of work but a lot of fun. I've also met so many fantastic authors along the way. I'm going to ride this wave as long as I can. ;) I'll soon re-release The Wooden Nickel before the end of the year and am in the process of acquiring all the rights back to my backlist so I can indie pub all those books as well.
When I'm not writing, I'm spending time with my very handsome husband who works as a foreman, erecting tall buildings and with my three beautiful children who keep me laughing and inspired every day of my life.
My favorite things are rainstorms, candlelight, winter fires, dark chocolate, red wine, purring cats and the sound of my children's laughter. (Ed’s note; my kind of woman as I LOVE all these things she mentioned, has she read my mind?!)
Website: http://www.alishapaige.com (All my books are available worldwide at Amazon and Barnes and Noble)
Blog: http://alishapaige.blogspot.com
Blog for Children's Books: http://wolfgangpie.blogspot.com