Kith & Kill heroine, Resa James, is different. She’s not a detective but a psychologist, and is called in to assist the police in identifying the type of person who would kill childless couples.
The author, Thea Hartley, has a good formula with her heroine, as Resa is uniquely placed to identify the connection.
As the story unfolds – at a decent pace – more details come to light. Characters are introduced at the right time for the reader to assimilate the information, and I found a good mix of clues popping up here and there.
Running through the novel is a lot of interesting information about infertility and clinics – a large part of the book concerns this, as it is the basis of the plot.
Apart from a scattering of typos and minor grammar mistakes, the book on the whole is taken from a good idea and makes a credible story.
There are more books planned in the series.
4 Stars awarded