Welcome to the Spring Thriller 2013 - a collection of blogs, books and authors specialising in writing novels about murder, mysteries, espionage and terrorism, which contain those crucial elements of character, tension, suspense, adventure, pace, action, realism and plot. You are invited to join in the 'Thriller Writers' adventure by visiting and supporting the websites of authors involved in the tour and who are dedicated to turning out some of the best thrillers available today.
Each author named at the bottom of the page has been asked the same quesions but the answers will all obviously be different. If you click on a name you can see how that author dealt with the same question.
Without further ado, let's begin with the questions from the Thriller Writer.
To Faith Mortimer:
Q. How long have you been writing and what life skills do you bring to your work?
A. I’ve been doing some sort of writing for as long as I can remember. When I was quite young I played around with writing plays, poetry and short stories. I always longed to write a full length book though. This ambition was fulfilled when I completed my first book in 2007. Since then I’ve written another seven books. Looking back over the years, I’ve used many aspects of my life and incorporated them into my stories. They say ‘write about what you know’ after all!
Q. Do you research content for your work and if so where from?
A. Absolutely yes! Once I get an idea for a novel I check things using the library or the internet and confirm what is in my head. Friends and people you meet are a great source when it comes to adding character and colour to a story and I borrow traits and mix them up to create my ‘book people’. At the end of the day, the work needs to flow as a good read. I enjoy the research because I like reading nonfiction as well as good fiction.
Q. Tell us about one of your previous publications.
A. ‘The Assassins’ Village’ is the first Diana Rivers novel and precedes ‘Children of the Plantation’, ‘The Surgeon’s Blade’ and ‘Camera Action…Murder!’ ‘The Assassins’ Village’ is a murder mystery introducing my female sleuth character, Diana Rivers, a writer of mystery novels who is always getting into trouble. She’s about forty, feisty, often found in places where she shouldn’t be and speaks her mind! The Diana Rivers books all stand alone in their stories but carry some of the same characters. We have her long suffering but sensible husband, Steve, an ex-flame senior detective, Adam, two Cypriot policemen – one an absolute creep and the other quite human and normal. Dishonest rogues, old friends from when Diana was on the stage…and so on… ‘The Assassins’ Village’ presents the reader with two bodies and suggests there might be a serial killer at large – but why – what is the motive – and who living in the mountain village of Agios Mamas is behind it? I really enjoyed writing the book and the subsequent ones.
Q. What are you currently writing?
A. I’m about to release something completely different for me – a bitter-sweet romance – ‘A Very French Affair’. I wanted to try another genre apart from Murder Mystery Suspense and Action and Adventure as shown in my other two novels, ‘The Seeds of Time’ and ‘Harvest’ (parts 1 and 2 of The Crossing.) It was a challenge and a fun thing to do and judging from my beta readers who’ve read it I CAN write romance! The book should be out mid-to-late February.
My current work in progress is the fifth Diana Rivers murder mystery. As yet the title is undecided but will probably be, ‘Evil Returns to the Village’ as it features Diana’s village in Cyprus once again. My followers and fans of the Diana Rivers books have repeatedly requested I write another mystery set in Cyprus and this is it!
I’m almost finished the novel in its first write and it should be published in April or May. Do keep a watch on Facebook or my website for news.
Q. What is so special to you about the ‘thriller/mystery/suspense’ genre?
A. In the realms of fiction, it is my favourite genre to read. As a writer, I write about what I know and I add this knowledge to my books. I don’t know a lot about police procedural but I do know about people’s characters and this is why my novels are more of the general ‘whodunit’ classic crime stories than clever police’ forensic stuff. I stick to what I’m happy with.
Q. How do you spend your leisure time?
A. I enjoy reading and spending time with family and friends. For sport, I hash (sort of orienteering and following a trail like hare and hounds), running, swimming, skiing, diving, visiting new countries. Red wine and good food!
Q. What is the most thrilling thing that has ever happened to you?
A. Spending four weeks under canvas with my daughter in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Botswana in Africa! Skiing down the Swiss Alps, raising my children, driving my first car, getting married, white-water canoeing down the Zambezi River, and becoming a Grandmother last year! – silly stuff like that.
Q. Can you provide links to your work?
A. Of course, here they are.
Faith Mortimer’s blog and website
Faith Mortimer’s Amazon pages US and UK
Faith Mortimer’s Facebook Page
To see how our other authors responded, click on an author’s name below.
1. Charles G Irion 2. Mark Rubenstein 3. Joseph Badal 4. Jeannie Walker 5. Jennifer Chase 6. Kenneth Hoss 7. Faith Mortimer 8. James J Murray 9 Paul Anthony 10 Mira Brown