I was recently asked how often I sat down each week to write a chapter or two on my latest manuscript. I didn’t need to think about this as I strive to write every day. Afterwards it got me thinking. Why do I do this? Did writing every day bring any real benefits? I know many established writers do, if only for half an hour or so. Sometimes finding the time is difficult, but it’s important to me as I believe it bears good results.
Some people have busy lives with jobs, children and other commitments which don’t allow a set and regular period in the day just for penning a thousand or so words. Indeed, some people don’t accept that strict discipline is for them, they like a different timetable or procedure - fine. You have to do what is right for you.
Some authors write everything in one sitting, cramming many thousands of words in one day or over a weekend. For me, it’s the daily process which works and I set myself the very reachable target of 1000 words. Invariably I go over this and often write two or three thousand words, but 1000 is a nice easy target to aim for.
If you’d like to write every day, but are having trouble reaching that aim then maybe I can let you have some pointers which work for me.

* Continuing on the moving forward theme, I consider a book’s pace highly important. In the early days of my writing career, if I left a work in progress for some time and then went back to it, I would need to read through everything I’d written thus far. As I went I’d find all the nasty little mistakes which appear when you’re writing fast and furious, and I’d end up editing the whole darn lot! This is all wasted time. You need to get back in that lovely groove!
* This leads onto knowing my characters. Because I write in a ‘loose hand’, with basic outlines only, my characters expand along with my story. So as the book progresses, so do my characters and we get to know each other by building on our acquaintance. Steadily that acquaintance becomes a real in depth friend and I learn every facet and what makes them come alive.

This is what works for me. Of course you might not need to write every day – but if you’re stuck and find yourself 'slipped out of the groove', try it. Start with twenty minutes, and then increase it gradually, until you’re confidant and comfortable. Soon you’ll have the words flowing and another book will soon be written, maybe another bestseller!
Thanks for dropping by!